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The announcement aims at the selection of 10 candidates between architects, designers and wood carpenters who will take part to a design and selfconstruction workshop in a 1:1 scale. The thirteenth edition of Camposaz will take place from 11 May to 20 May 2018 in the art centre of Vooruit (Gent, Belgium), within the framework of The May Events festival curated by Silvia Bottiroli. Conceived on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of May 1968, The May Events doesn’t aim at celebrating it or at discussing its accomplishments and failures. It is rather a way to use this anniversary as a trampoline to investigate where and how art is today a place for social choreographies to be shaped and performed, for bodies and subjectivities to gather and generate new movements, and for us all to sense the potentialities for revolt and revolution in and through the arts. During the festival a temporary community of architects, designers and carpenters will design, work and live together for ten days, with the aim of contributing to the festival with a temporary installation within the space of the Vooruit Café. 

The ambition of Camposaz 13:13 is to transform the café into an active space of confrontation for the festival, emphasizing its role of collective and interactive space. The installation, constructed with modular wooden elements, will try to accommodate informal lunch conversations, conferences, and debates, becoming a backdrop for the artists’ performances. The May Events will be an occasion, for the participants, to explore the possibility of an autonomous proactive collaboration between architects and designers as a form of resistance to the extreme competitiveness of today’s creative economy. Camposaz consists in a free workshop aiming at designing and self-building architectural objects for space reactivation and landscape enhancement. It is targeted to young architects, designers and carpenters, selected by Camposaz collective, for the purpose of gathering in a temporary group the processes of design and self-construction. In ten days, the participants will ideate and create wood Installations, following the thematic suggestions provided by the organizers and developing eco-friendly, practical and sustainable designs based on the relationship with the construction site and its users.

Register by: 04-16-2018 / Submit by: 04-16-2018

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