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The Map of architects and architecture enthusiasts is an additional tool of how to filter contacts best suited to your interests, meet new professionals and/or friends from your own country or countries of your interest. Maybe there are architects in your city you don't know about - why not to say them hi and socialize?

The adding of locations to the map is available to all registered members. While logged in you will be able to see the 'Add your Location' button at the top right corner of the map. The address may be generic (e.g. Prague) or exact (Soukenicka 21, Prague). After saving your address details a new flag icon appears on the map indicating your position.

You may find three types of flag icons on the map: The blue one indicates your own position, the green one indicates the position of your friends and red indicates the positions of all other users. By clicking on the flag you may get to the personal profile of each member and contact them further via a Personal Message. Your position on the map appears on your personal profile page and can be changed or deleted at any time.

We hope you will find this application useful