Photo Information
- File Name gallery_2_27_2520.jpg
- Unix Timestamp 1331050645
- Original File Size 193607
- File Type 2
- Mime Type image/jpeg
- HTML Sizes width="533" height="800"
- Image Height 800
- Image Width 533
- Color TRUE
- Byte Order Motorola FALSE
- Aperture F-Number f/11.0
- Thumbnail File Type 2
- Thumbnail Mime Type image/jpeg
- Camera Make SIGMA
- Camera Model SIGMA DP1X
- Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
- X-Resolution 1800000/10000
- Y-Resolution 1800000/10000
- Resolution Unit 2
- Software Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows
- Date Taken 2012:03:06 14:17:52
- YCbCr Positioning centered
- Thumbnail Compression JPEG Compression
- Thumbnail JPEG Interchange Format 842
- Thumbnail JPEG Interchange Format Length 5571
- Exposure Time 1/60
- F Number 110/10
- Exposure Program Aperture priority
- ISO Speed Ratings 50
- Exif Version 0220
- Date Digitized 2012:03:06 18:06:20
- Shutter Speed 5906891/1000000
- Aperture Value 6918863/1000000
- Exposure Bias Value 0/10
- Max Aperture Value 69/10
- Metering Mode Pattern
- Flash Flash did not fire
- Focal Length 166/10
- EXIF.SubSecTime 501
- Flash Pix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
- Color Space sRGB
- Image Length 800
- Sensing Method One-chip color area sensor
- Exposure Mode Auto bracket
- White Balance Auto white balance
- Focal Length (35mm equiv) 28
- Scene Capture Type Standard
- EXIF.ImageUniqueID 3031303033303536901C564F32384235
- IPTC.TimeCreated 141752+0000
- IPTC.DateCreated 20120306